Arsène Wenger

Piers Morgan Wants Donald Trump To Make Arsenal Great Again; Social Media Has A Laugh

Piers Morgan has the solution to all of Arsenal’s woes: Bring in Donald J. Trump as new manager. The talking head, an unabashed Arsenal fan, recently interviewed the U.S. Commander in Chief and, according to a tweet on Friday, offered Trump the job of replacing Arsene Wenger as manager to Make Arsenal Great Again. 

You Can Definitely Guess Which Premier League Club Invested In Crypto-Currency

Arsene Wenger, the Professor with an economics degree, is dipping Arsenal’s pocket book into the crypto-currency markets. The club reached an agreement Wednesday with California-based CashBet, which will thus be allowed to advertise at Emirates Stadium. Now Gunners fans can watch ads for fake money while cheering for fake trophies. The Arsenal crypto-currency deal might just be the most Arsenal thing ever. 

Zinedine Zidane And Arsene Wenger Should Switch Jobs

Real Madrid and Arsenal are both having terrible (for them) seasons. Real Madrid are in fourth place in La Liga, which is unacceptable for a club that big. Arsenal are in sixth in the Premier League, and in danger of falling out of the Champions League race altogether. Fortunately, there is a solution that fits both clubs, that would benefit each right now and in the long-term: Arsena Wenger and Zinedine Zidane should switch clubs.

You think this is a joke but it's not.

Arsene Wenger and Zinedine Zidane should switch clubs.

Everything You Need To Know About Arsenal Transfers In Five Words

There’s a lot of Arsenal transfer window chatter going around this month — a little more than usual. The Gunners are struggling in league play, were knocked out of the FA Cup and their two best players have contracts ending in a few months. 

But when it comes to all the rumors and speculation, five words are all you need to know about Arsenal in the transfer window: Arsene Wenger is still manager

Arsene Wenger Sits In Press Box For Boring Draw

Arsenal and Chelsea played to a 0-0 draw in the Carabao Cup semifinals Wednesday (marking the FOURTH time the two sides have drawn this season), and it was DEFINITELY a soccer game, that's for sure. Arsene Wenger, serving the second match of his touchline ban, sat in the press box. Hopefully that gave him lots of time to answer questions about Alexis Sanchez and Manchester City.

Let's take a look at the highlights:

Arsene Wenger No Longer Has The FA Cup To Fall Back On

Arsene Wenger was probably going to be fired after failing to qualify for the Champions League with Arsenal last season. However, Arsenal won the FA Cup, and Wenger held on to his job.

He is still holding on to it, but his position has become a little more precarious after Arsenal was bounced, 4-2, from Wenger's favorite competition (he has won seven times with Arsenal) by Nottingham Forest and in particular American defender Eric Lichaj.

Arsene Wenger Is More Fun The Older He Gets

The institution that is Arsene Wenger was handed a three-match touchline ban and a $54,250 fine for a confrontation with referee Mike Dean after Arsenal’s 1-1 draw with West Brom on Sunday. The Wenger ban is nothing new for the Frenchman, who served a four-match touchline ban for a similar behavior last year. And Wenger didn’t even deny these accusations, fully admitting to what he said and standing by his criticism. 

We'd Be Fine If Every Game Arsenal Played Was A Wildly-Entertaining Draw

Where to begin with this game? We'll start with Alvaro Morata. If Chelsea had someone else playing striker, they probably would have won this game running away. But, they did have Alvaro Morata, and he missed three clear chances. So it goes.

You know who didn't miss, though? Jack Wilshere! Welcome back, Jack!

You know who else doesn't miss? Hector Bellerin, who nailed Eden Hazard squarely in the foot with his foot to set this up:
