
The Ultimate Horror Movie Starting XI

When it comes to the world of entertainment, movies, video games and soccer are all near and dear to our hearts. With the release of Alien: Covenant, the Friday the 13th video game and Saturday's Champions League final, we naturally had the idea of creating a starting XI that consists of horror movie icons.

The Starting XI of Horror Movie Icons

The Taca Da Liga Final Game Ball Was Delivered By The Green Goblin

Imagine someone from the past, when comic books were a major form of entertainment, travelled forward in time to this weekend. Imagine you met them, and when they mentioned they love comic books, and now that it's the future is there any chance we've been able to give anyone superpowers yet?

Your answer would have to be that the first comic book character we'ver been able to truly recreate is the, uh, it's the Green Goblin.

Your Work Week Presented By Lionel Messi

As the weekend gets closer, life gets better. The anticipation kills us as we wait for the end of the week. It might be a struggle every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but once Thursday hits it's all downhill. Take a look at the many emotions of the work week brought to you by the one and only Lionel Messi. 

Let’s Kick Gingerism Out Of Football

According to the ScotlandsDNA project, only 0.6% of the world’s population has red hair. Chances are, you’ve known a few gingers in your life, and maybe you’ve even taken a moment to stop calling them Carrot Top, Mr/Ms Weasley, Chucky, Big Red, Ginger Balls and/or Strawberry Shortcake and gotten to know them as unique individuals that aren’t defined by the color of their drapes, you damn bully.

Psychic Cow Predicts Winner Of Tomorrow's Europa League Final

I know what you're thinking, we're all crazy for putting this much faith in a cow to predict the outcome of something people in Las Vegas often miss. But, Paul The Octopus predicted Germany winning the World Cup in 2014, so I have faith in this cow.

12 Ridiculous Excuses Coaches Hear From Players

Being a coach is tough. Making sure players show up, sending countless emails and managing the expectations of every parent can make the whole experience of coaching a youth team seem like herding cats.

On top of that, coaches have to listen to the same excuses time after time after time. Some are reasonable, some are ridiculous and all of them are a coach's least-favorite part of the job. At least one can laugh about them later. Here's a list of excuses that, at one time or another, every coach has heard.

This Liverpool End-Of-Year Video Will Elevate Your Heart Rate

If you melted this video down and injected it into your bloodstream, you would spontaneously combust.

So don't do that. Watch it though.
