
Bulgarian Top Flight Match Interrupted By Very Angry Duck

A match in the Bulgarian first division was interestingly interrupted when a duck flew onto the field, sat down and refused to move, a bit like when your grandpa settles down in his favorite chair with a bottle of bourbon. Then, also like your grandpa, the duck got ornery when people tried to coax it out of its seat.

Good Dog Steals Spotlight During Match In Argentina

No one can really be mad if a dog interrupts a soccer game. Especially if it’s a cute dog who looks like he is having the time of his life. 

This dog decided it was time for the two teams to take a breather so he distracted the audience by performing his own show. 

This Soccer Dog Is Such A Good Dog That He Saved A Goal

Here's what happened: in Chile, this dog was just standing there watching soccer and being a good dog. The ball rolled near the goal and looked like it was going to go in, so the good soccer dog leaped into action and prevented the goal.

Is this good dog a hero? It's hard to say, because what's a hero? Is being a good dog who looks out for goalkeepers in need also being a hero?

We say no, this good dog isn't a hero (at least not for this action; it's our contention that all dogs are heroes). He's just doing his job. Good dog.

UMass Lowell Is Having Harambe Night Because Reasons

The University of Massachusetts at Lowell is on my s*** list for a promotion they're running for their game against Brown this evening. 

Harambe night. Please kill me.

This Moose Does Stepovers Like Cristiano Ronaldo

There's a soccer moose on the loose in Colorado and it's doing stepovers like a hairy Cristiano Ronaldo with antlers.

Just call it Moose-a Sissoko. Or Moose-a Dembele. Or Ahmed Moose-a. 

Genius Interactive Floor Display Lets Pets (And Kids) Play Virtual Soccer

Ever wanted to play some soccer, but it was snowing outside or you ran out of daylight? Or do you want to keep your pet active while you are away from the house? Well, kids and dogs have it made these days, as they can now play virtual soccer on this interactive floor display. 

What’s an interactive floor display you ask? See below.
