
$600 Million In Debt, Barcelona Urgently Needs Camp Nou Revamp To Increase Revenues

Barcelona must press on with plans to renovate Camp Nou in order to replenish revenues lost because of the COVID-19 pandemic, vice-president Jordi Moix told Reuters, adding that the $957 million project will pay for itself.

The club announced a financing deal with Goldman Sachs on Monday to modernize their iconic but run down stadium and raise its capacity from 99,000 to 105,000. Should the plan be approved by club members next year, building work can begin by June 2021 and will take around five years to complete.

200-Person Sting Operation Launched On Offices, Homes Of German Football Association

German prosecutors and tax authorities searched offices of the German Football Association (DFB) as well as private homes of current and former officials on suspicion of serious tax evasion, the Frankfurt prosecutors' office said on Wednesday.

It said six unnamed former and current officials of the DFB were suspected of having intentionally falsely declared income from advertising in soccer stadiums during home games of the national team in 2014 and 2015 as income from asset management, leading to $5.5 million in unpaid taxes.
