
In Neat Little Rows, Arsenal Fans Become First To Return To Stands In England

LONDON — Arsenal's fans had waited nine long months to return to the club's north London stadium but the 2,000 people sprinkled across the red seats had to wait only nine minutes to enjoy the thrill of celebrating a goal in the flesh again on Thursday.

Appropriately, it was Frenchman Alexandre Lacazette who struck the opener in a 4-1 victory over Rapid Vienna — the same player who 272 days earlier had scored the winner against West Ham United, days before the COVID-19 pandemic swept in.

Estadio Centenario de Montevideo declarado Monumento Histórico Nacional

El Estadio Nacional de Montevideo ha sido declarado Monumento Histórico Nacional.

El estadio también fue reconocido en 1983 por la FIFA como el único Monumento Histórico del Fútbol Mundial.

Se construyó en 1930 para albergar la primera Copa Mundial de la FIFA y para conmemorar el centenario de la independencia de Uruguay.

Uruguay no sólo ganó la Copa del Mundo de 1930 allí, sino que ha ganado cada una de las 4 Copas América que se han celebrado en el estadio.

El estadio seguirá siendo preservado como un centro de la cultura del fútbol en Uruguay.

The Best 1v1 Moves In Soccer

The Best 1v1 Moves

There are few feelings better in the soccer world, and dare I say world at large, than cruising by an opposing player with a nifty piece of footwork. Obviously, 1v1 moves are extremely dependent on the situation you’re in - you can’t expect a singular go-to move to take you by a defender regardless of where you are on the field and what’s happening around you. Speed and acceleration play a huge role in the proper execution of these moves, so keep that in mind. 
