David Beckham

Las 10 mejores películas de fútbol en Netflix

Ah, Netflix, el lugar donde todo el mundo va a ver los programas de televisión más populares y las últimas películas. Es perfecto para cuando quieres relajarte después del trabajo, evitar a un ex o curar una resaca. O si eres un adicto al fútbol como nosotros, entonces sabes que es un lugar al que puedes ir a ver diferentes películas y documentales de fútbol. Y si no lo sabías ... ahora lo sabes. Así que aquí hay una lista de las 10 mejores películas de fútbol (sin ningún orden en particular) en Netflix. ¡Ahora ve a por palomitas de maíz y cuéntanos tus favoritos!

Football's Most Famous Couples: Soccer Players Dating Celebrities

Ever wonder what it would be like to date a professional soccer player? These celebrities hit the jackpot and found love on the soccer field. Let us refresh your memory as we list the top famous footballer-celebrity couples. Some are married, some are engaged and some are dating, but all are known for their own accomplishments and success. Here's a sneak peak at the couples who made the list.

Famous Footballer-Celebrity Couples

David & Victoria Beckham 

Wesley Sneijder & Yolanthe Sneijder-Cabau

The Most Iconic Tattoos In The World Of Soccer

As soon as Lionel Messi went for broke on his own body art, we knew that we’d reached peak tattoo in the world of soccer. The juxtaposition between Messi’s wholesome demeanor and his body modification might’ve been keenly felt by your grandmother, who now firmly believes that Messi lives on the edge of society, but tattoos are obviously less of a form of deviance and more of an accepted form of expression in today’s world. 

Who Are The 5 Best Free Kick Takers Of All-Time?

It's one of the greatest moments for spectators and players alike: witnessing the perfectly struck dead ball. Free kick specialists are a dime a dozen in football. Beating modern keepers from distance has become an incredible art which very few possess. While players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Roberto Carlos have occasionally produced the spectacular, there are very few who can consistently produce the goods. These are the 5 best free kick takers of all-time.

The 3 Greatest Long Range Goals Of All-Time

Goals from midfield aren’t all created equal. Sure, they all involve one player absolutely hammering the ball from over 40 yards out, but it’s the intricacies of the attempt that surely separate one from the next. Where was the goalkeeper positioned? With how much pace and accuracy was the shot hit? What were the circumstances surrounding the goal/what was the significance of the match?

Bearing these questions in mind, here are the top three long range goals of all-time.

Hechos sorprendentes sobre los futbolistas antes de ser famosos

Antes de que jugaran frente a miles de fanáticos que los adoraran, antes de que se ganaran los contratos multimillonarios y los patrocinios, los futbolistas famosos del mundo eran adolescentes torpes como cualquier otro en esa etapa de la vida.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Neymar, Zlatan Ibrahimovic y David Beckham son famosos por sus habilidades en el campo. A pesar de que nos gusta profundizar en lo que les hizo grandes futbolistas, sus embarazosos años de pubertad siguieron siendo en gran parte un misterio.

Which Former Footballer Was Just Named Sexiest Man Alive?

David Beckham, formerly known as a pretty good English footballer, is now mostly known for being really good looking. And now he's even more known for that.

Beckham was named People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive," to the surprise of approximately no one. Except for maybe him. Like Derek Zoolander, he evidently feels "there's more to life than being really really, really, ridiculously good-looking."
