
Do Soccer Players Get CTE?

In 2017, a study announced the existence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in four former footballers. Many have asked: Do soccer players get CTE? This was, according to media that pounced on the story, definitive proof.

However, a closer analysis of the study, one that doesn’t just take the findings completely out of context, as most media publications do when any new scientific study comes, shows it’s far more complicated than that.

Knee Injuries Are Soccer’s Worst Epidemic, But What’s The Solution?

We know you’ve been trying to bend it like Beckham (too old?). We’ve seen you working on those mad skills, but what we haven’t seen is you caring for your knees. This word might be new to those who like to live on the edge, so let’s define it first: a knee is the part joining your thighs to your legs — it’s the round and fragile medium that looks like the back of Uncle Fester’s neck. Please moisturize. 

The 15-Minute Injury Prevention Warm-Up For The Aging Baller In All Of Us

For those of us who threw our collegiate and professional aspirations out the window after high school, we have to search for glory in other ways. Whether it's by playing FIFA, arguing with other fans or ranting on Twitter, the game will always be in our blood. When ranting loses its appeal, you turn to dusting off your cleats and trying to remember where your shin guards are hiding.     

Los frappuccinos de Unicornio están pasados de moda, la bebida de Messi ha llegado

La grandeza de Lionel Messi puede que nunca sea entendida. Si lo has visto correr en círculos alrededor de los defensas como si fueran conos o simplemente echando un vistazo a los números que definen su carrera, probablemente te preguntes "¿Cómo lo hace este hombre?"

Aunque puede que nunca sepamos completamente la respuesta, cuando un espécimen como Messi se acerca, queremos analizar cada aspecto de su existencia para averiguar qué los hace imparables. ¿Cómo se entrenan? ¿Cómo eran sus padres? ¡¿Les gusta voltear sus almohadas al lado frío antes de ir a la cama?!

Black Vests Explained: The Amazing Tech Inside The Training Tools

With preseason underway across the Premier League, you're going to see a lot of photos of players training with their now accustomary black vests on. A few years ago, these garments were an absolute rarity, and, apart from some sophomoric comments about male players wearing sports bras (how dare you), it was generally assumed that they measured heart rate and yada yada yada.
