
Revealed: The Reason Behind Francis Coquelin’s Explosion On Saturday

Chelsea’s victory over Arsenal on Saturday was marked by a strange phenomena that led to the end of midfield enforcer Francis Coquelin’s career. Coquelin was employed to stop suspicious characters from running straight through the Arsenal midfield, but he failed after suffering spontaneous human combustion while tracking Eden Hazard. 

He exploded into hellfire. There is no adequate explanation for this bit of poltergeist, in fact, referee Martin Atkinson adjudged it to be a foul, which is a pretty terrible way to treat someone who’s just suffered self-detonation.

15 Signs You're The Ultimate Soccer Mom

Some use “soccer mom” as an insult, but in reality soccer moms are more like super heroes. They always make sure we have our belongings and help us get from place to place on time. Without them, who knows where we would be.

Soccer moms are 100% committed to the job, so shout-out to all the soccer moms (and dads who fulfill this role). We love you!

Zlatan Says If He Was An NFL Player He Would Basically Be Gronk

Leading up to the Super Bowl, Manchester United striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic had a conversation with retired NFL player Osi Umenyiora, who asked the Swede what position he would play if he were in the NFL.

Here's Zlatan's answer: “The guy who makes the difference. I’d be the one who catches the ball. Maybe I wouldn’t be so fast but I would be like a bull and run through all of them.”

Gabriel Jesus Farted On Fabian Delph

Gabriel Jesus had quite the full EPL debut for Manchester City Wednesday against West Ham, scoring and assisting in a 4-0 win.

16 chistes de los que se reirán todos los aficionados al fútbol

Es casi el fin de semana, lo que significa que es aceptable empezar a MESSIAR por ahí. Viniste a escuchar algunos chistes, así que prometemos mantener todo en la caja, no cruzaremos ninguna línea. Siéntanse libres de compartir estos chistes con sus hijos porque sabemos que los disfrutarán.  Cada chiste es un buen partido. ¡Disfruten!

What If We Didn't Like Playing Soccer?

We got a very interesting Facebook comment on a recent article.

what if

What would happen? What would we do? We thought about it and made a list. Here's what we would do if we didn't like playing soccer:


Write a screenplay

Go back to school

Investigate who really killed JFK

Play MarioKart

Get caught up on bills and stuff

Visit every National Park

Find the Holy Grail

Sergio Ramos Traded His Jersey For Some Pork

Here's a tip: if you're at a match and you want a player to give you their jersey, bring something to bribe them with, like pork.

Hey, it worked on Sergio Ramos.

18 Things Every Youth Coach Understands

Your reasons for coaching youth soccer – for sacrificing your weekends, dealing with the headaches of communication, putting up with wall-to-wall nonsense – are selfless. You love the game. You enjoy working with kids and know that soccer is one of the most powerful ways to teach life's lessons. Generally, the rewards far outweigh any of the accompanying pains.

But, good grief, the struggle is real. You'd really like to skip the hassles of managing a team or running a club, but time and again you run into the same problems afflicting your companions around the globe. 
