
This Howler In The Qatari League Cup Shows Why Patience Is A Virtue

Patience is a virtue. Good things come to those who wait. These are two pieces of generally-accepted wisdom that in most situations can improve peoples' lives. 

However, these two pieces of wisdom are not always adhered to because I WANT THAT THING AND I WANT IT RIGHT NOW. NOW NOW NOW.

Usually, upon reflection, a person who ignores the wisdom of waiting in order to TRY AND GET A THING RIGHT NOW is proved to have been foolish, and that person wishes they had been patient. This goalkeeper in the Qatari League Cup is one of those people.

Mainz's Goalkeeper Forgot The Ball

Look, we all have those days. Those days when nothing goes right. Those days when our heads, for whatever reasons, are just not in it. They are elsewhere, in the clouds perhaps. Mainz goalkeeper Robin Zentner had one of those days Saturday when he went to kick the ball and found that OH NO THE BALL IS NOT THERE.

Somehow, via some kind of witchcraft and/or sorcery, Borussia Monchengladbach did not score on this play, so Zentner was (sort of) vindicated.

Bur goodness, y'all.

El desafortunado arquero de 18 años del Benfica añade otro capítulo triste a su historia

Han pasado dos semanas desde que el portero de Benfica, Mile Svilar, hizo historia en la Liga de Campeones al convertirse en el portero más joven en participar en la competencia, rompiendo el récord de Iker Casillas con la tierna edad de 18 años y 52 días. Lo que fue más memorable fue el terrible error de Svilar en un tiro libre de Marcus Rashford, cuando el joven belga atrapó la pelota, pero llevó la pelota a su propio arco. El error le dio una victoria de 1-0 a Manchester United.

Gremio Keeper Pulls Off Finest, Most Important Save You’ll Ever See In Copa Libertadores Semis

Gremio goalkeeper Marcelo Grohe pulled off one of the finest saves you’ll ever see on Wednesday during his side’s Copa Libertadores semifinal against Ecuador’s Barcelona. Gremio, the traveling side in the first leg, took a 2-0 advantage through Luan and Edilson, but Barcelona had an excellent chance to pull a goal back shortly after halftime and electrify the cauldron of yellow in El Monumental.

Bill Hamid Opts For European Move To Seriously Contend For USMNT No. 1 Spot

You could forgive Bill Hamid for electing to stay with DC United for the rest of his playing career — he’s got a pretty good thing going in the nation’s capital. Having risen through the ranks of the club’s youth system, Hamid established himself as the team’s No. 1 over the course of eight stellar seasons, including a 2014 campaign that saw him named MLS Goalkeeper of the Year.

Early Goalkeeper Celebration Leads To Tragedy In Penalty Shootout

There are many idioms about celebrating too early, so just pick your favorite. Backspin is no one's friend. It will quite literally come back to hurt you eventually. It is cruel without discretion.

I hope this poor goalie learned his lesson. It's difficult not to get caught up in the moment in a situation like this, but you just have to finish the play. If you don't, backspin will come along and murder your dreams.
