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Soccer Fan Leaves Match With Player's Shorts Instead of Autograph

We know what you're thinking: how did a random soccer fan leave a match with half a player’s official uniform, specifically the bottom half?

10 Of The Greatest Immortalizing Soccer Statues On The Planet

Football has always been about the glory with high-pitched moments and actions magnified in front of a global audience. Those who change the course of a match’s outcome become legend, and legends never die — especially if those legends are then cast in bronze and placed outside a stadium. 

These are 10 of the most stunning sculptures of footballing legends that have achieved immortality through the form.

Football's Most Famous Couples: Soccer Players Dating Celebrities

Ever wonder what it would be like to date a professional soccer player? These celebrities hit the jackpot and found love on the soccer field. Let us refresh your memory as we list the top famous footballer-celebrity couples. Some are married, some are engaged and some are dating, but all are known for their own accomplishments and success. Here's a sneak peak at the couples who made the list.

Famous Footballer-Celebrity Couples

David & Victoria Beckham 

Wesley Sneijder & Yolanthe Sneijder-Cabau

Mateo Messi Is Already Making Strides On The Football Pitch

Mateo Messi was born on September 11, 2015. The youngest child of Lionel Messi and Antonella Roccuzzo, the 1-year-old is three years younger than his older brother, Thiago.

The Beautiful, Larger Than Life Soccer Balls Adorning Mexico City

As Mexico prepared for a summer of football including the 2016 Rio Olympics and Copa America Centenario, Mexico City called on artists to adorn 64 massive soccer balls along the Paseo de la Reforma, a wide avenue that runs across the heart of the capital.

These photos, taken by Papa Bravo, illustrate the beauty, passion and love of the game in the country. The Balón CDMX balls measure nearly five feet in diameter.

The 9 Worst Sore Losers In Soccer

Sore Loser: Someone who loses in a fair competition, but then continues to whine, complain and blame everyone around them for their loss, everyone besides themselves. 

How Professional Soccer Stars Balance World Cups And Motherhood

Female athletes have to deal with the physical side of becoming a parent. Male athletes do not have to worry or stress about their bodies changing over time, they are able to fully focus on their careers. Men don’t breastfeed, these female soccer players make a living with their bodies, which makes it even more impressive for them to return to the game they love after giving birth.

Christie Rampone, Amy Rodriguez and Shannon Boxx were able to find a balance between World Cups and motherhood. “If you love what you do, you’ll stay true.”

Keep Looking At Cristiano Ronaldo, Please

Cristiano Ronaldo, as we've previously covered, is one of the most looked-at humans in the world. It is our contention, though, that he is not looked at enough. With that in mind, won't you please take a moment and look at Cristiano Ronaldo?

It'll only take a moment, we promise. Unless you want to look at Cristiano Ronaldo for longer than a moment, which is fine and even encouraged.

Los 10 campos más extraños en el mundo del fútbol

Los estadios de fútbol se han convertido en las catedrales del siglo 21. Son lugares sagrados a los cuales los iniciados asisten para observar la única cosa que todos comprendemos: un partido de fútbol.

Sin embargo, observar un partido en uno de estos lugares particulares sería diferente a la mayoría de las experiencias que hayas tenido en otros estadios. Algunos están ubicados en condiciones extremas y otros tienen algunas peculiaridades que están más relacionadas con las reglas de campo en el béisbol.

Estos son 10 de los campos más extraños en el mundo del fútbol.  

Disneyland Makes Trip To See Lionel Messi

Walt Disney used his considerable imagination to dream up things like Mickey Mouse, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Disney World, but he could never have conceived a little magician using sorcery to control objects and unleash all manner of hell on an unsuspecting public. Oh, right — that’s in Fantasia.

Anyway, he could’ve never told the story of an undersized scruff who went to extreme lengths to prove himself while remaining brave and unselfish in the face of never ending obstacles. Dammit, that’s Pinocchio, isn’t it?
