
Gabriel Jesus Says He Thought The Premier League Would Be More Difficult

Let's see what Manchester City new boy Gabriel Jesus thinks of the Premier League now that he has had half a season to get acclimated to elite European football.

From ESPN:

"I thought it would be harder."

(takes deep sigh, looks up at sky, mumbles "God forgive me", crosses self)

That's what she said.

Didier Deschamps Calls Time On Karim Benzema's International Career

Since the 2014 World Cup, Karim Benzema’s output for Real Madrid in La Liga and Champions League matches reads like this: 114 matches played, 64 goals scored, 23 goals assisted. With a record of over a goal per every two matches, the 29-year-old French forward is one of the most feared in Europe.

The Most Common Criticisms Of MLS From The League's Own Stars

MLS has come under fire in the past for the gap between its stated goal of becoming an elite league and its current reality. Just last week, Chicago Fire midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger noted the stark difference between the quality of play in MLS and European leagues. 

Pep Guardiola Calls For His Own Head If He Were Manager Of A Big Club

Each narrative in the English Premier League has a nauseatingly long lifespan until it utterly annihilates itself — it’s annually cyclical, like the depiction of a serpent eating its own tail. We belabor the same statistics, the same trends and the same memes until we’ve had our fill, proceeding to damn them out of existence like a child pop star whose career of cultural martyrdom has run its course.

Bastian Schweinsteiger tiene algunas críticas no tan sutiles para el MLS

Bastian Schweinsteiger está teniendo dificultades para adaptarse a lo malo que es el fútbol de la MLS. No lo dice con tantas palabras, pero sabemos lo que quiere decir. Hablando con la revista alemana Suddeutsche Zeitung, Schweinsteiger habló sobre su nueva liga.

