
We Found These Vintage Videos Of Dutch Street Football. And They're Awesome.

The Dutch are the kings of street football. With the advent of YouTube in 2005, the masters of Amsterdam’s thriving street scene found a global audience in tune with the Dutch footballing subculture. 

In America, the And1 basketball mixtapes had elevated street players to a new level. In Amsterdam, players like Edward van Gils, Issy “Hitman” Hamdaoui and Lenny Macnack, the Streetkings of Dutch football, enjoyed a similarly meteoric rise in their sport. 

Watch This Guy In Zimbabwe Demonstrate How Not To React To A Red Card

Have you ever received a red card? It's a maddening, frustrating experience. You're angry at yourself. You're angry at the ref. You're (presumably) angry at the person you just did a red-card-worthy offense to. There's a lot of anger to go around.

Should you ever find yourself in the position of receiving a red card, just try to control yourself and don't react like this guy did. It's bad.

Watch This Goalie Score From A Punt In The Most Agonizing Way Possible

This poor kid from North Korea experiences enough tragedy and woe and heartbreak in this 42-second video to fill a Russian novel. Let's trace his journey.

First, the goalie appears. Then the ball appears. The ball is nowhere near the goalie. This confuses him and he starts running for the ball. But then he hesitates. Is this really what he wants? To get the ball? Or is it already too late. No, he decides. It's not too late. Besides, Kim Jong Un will probably be mad at me if I don't try hard, he reasons. You know how Kim Jon Un gets. Wants Your Videos is on the hunt for the best soccer videos in the world, and we want your help.

This Volley Is The Most Violent Shot You'll See All Year

You hear it all the time — soccer is full of violence. There are nutters in the stands, fanatics and ultras that just want to light flares, sing songs and attack each other. There’s a bunch of madmen out on the pitch, raking each others shins and accumulating yellow and red cards for violent conduct.

It’s a gentleman’s game played by hooligans.

Nowhere is this stereotype better served than in this video depicting a sickening level of violence between Wurzburger and Dynamo Dresden in the German second division.
