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Gladbach U17 Girls Player Could Negotiate Peace In The Middle East With Skills Like This

Donald Trump needs to hire Natalia Christoph. If anyone can broker peace in the Middle East, it’s this young woman. 

Cristoph knows how to get out of tricky situations. Like a rat navigating a labyrinth to find a hunk of tasty cheese, she may not find the most direct route, but she’ll impress you in the end. 

Cristoph doesn’t take the easy option or pass the buck; she takes a challenge head on and woe unto anyone who tries to get in her way. 

When Borussia Monchengladbach’s U17 girls squad played its derby match against Cologne on Tuesday, Natalia Christoph maneuvered around a maze of two challengers so deftly we can’t help but think what she could accomplish in the political arena. 

There you have it, folks, the heir apparent to Angela Merkel. 

Notice how the first defender is already well aware of Christoph's skill and doesn't lunge in. Her teammate is not so wise and foolishly goes to ground as Christoph pulls the ball away. Perhaps hoping to save face for her teammate, the first defender then thinks she has a chance to dispossess Christoph. Instead, the Gladbach starlet makes a spin move through the two defenders that would make Zinedine Zidane blush. 

The Donald may as well recall Jared Kushner from his quest to negotiate peace in the Middle East and place Natalia Christoph in charge. Sure, Trump isn't related to Christoph like many of his other close advisors, but I’m sure he could convince Barron to marry such a dazzling star. 

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