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The Only Thing Cooler Than Messi Returning To Training Is The Car He Took To Get There

Messi is back in training for Barcelona, and to commemorate that event, he's bought himself a new car. Or, at least, we've never seen it before. And, obviously, we have no idea why he bought it. When you have as much money as Messi does, you don't really need to rationalize any of your purchases. You can just make them.

Regardless of his motives in buying it, Messi showed up to training in a sweet blue Audi R8. If you don't think his Audi R8 is cool that's probably because you don't have one and are jealous. 

But really, words can't describe how glad we are that Messi is back. Regardless of how Neymar and Suarez have been holding down the Barcelona fort in his absence, the world of football is just a more exciting place when he's there. 

He may not play in the Clasico, and honestly we's rather he come back completely healthy and not get injured again, even if that means missing the Clasico. The Clasico will be exciting enough without him.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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