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Zorb Soccer: Like Regular Soccer, But 7000x Funnier.

What is Zorb Soccer, you ask? Perhaps you know it better by its slang name, "Bubble Football." No? Well, imagine pillow fights married bumper cars and conceived their child on a soccer pitch. Is that hard to imagine? It won’t be after you watch this video:

Taking advantage of our creative license, The18 would now like to assert that Zorb Soccer could have negotiated peace in Vietnam. All concerned parties would have just needed to strap into a bunch of these plastic bad boys and have at it until they were panting on the ground - exhausted from laughter and repeated high speed impacts. In their euphoric delirium, they most likely would have hashed out a peace treaty. With all due respect to alcohol, Zorb Soccer is the new pinnacle of social lubrication.

Zorb Soccer satisfies the primal urge that people are supposed to grow out of by the age of 10. I am going to run into you as hard as possible, and it's going to be amazingly fun because we are both indestructible. The18 has no idea how the game of Zorb Soccer was invented. We are just really pissed that we haven’t got to play it ourselves.

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