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Liga MX Teams Might Be Breaking The Rules That Got Barcelona In Trouble

According to an investigation undertaken by ESPN, Liga MX clubs may have broken the same FIFA rules that got Barcelona, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid slapped with transfer bans.

The investigation found Liga MX clubs may have breached Article 19 of FIFA's Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players. Article 19 deals with players under 18 years old leaving clubs in their home countries for clubs in other countries.

Specifically, the investigation delved into the signing of dual USA-Mexico citizens, who are sometimes scouted in the USA before heading south to joing Liga MX club academies. Reportedly, clubs have been advised not to register these players for fear of sanction under Article 19.

Mexican football federation president Decio de Maria responded to the allegations.


"FIFA knows about our reality and we are in a process of [reaching an] understanding," De Maria told ESPN's Comex Masters on Monday, implying the FMF has been in contact with FIFA about the situation.

"I repeat, the rule is made generally and here we are talking about something specific that isn't comparable with clubs over there [in Europe]."

De Maria told ESPN he believes FIFA will take the players' dual nationality into consideration. 

From the same article:

"At first look it appears a violation, but you have to understand the context," said De Maria, stressing that the fact players have dual nationality will be important in any final judgment from FIFA.

"All the legal side is being cleared up with FIFA as part of this subject," he added.

What sanctions, if any, will be leveled against the offending clubs remainst to be seen, but it's all in FIFA's hands now.


Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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