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These Fans Were Mad Their Team Got Relegated, So They Set The Stadium On Fire

You think Aston Villa fans were mad about their pitiful deam being relegated from the Premier League? They were little rays of sunshine compared to Eskisehirspor fans after the Turkish club got bounced from the Turkish first division.

After the last game of the season, which doubled as the last game ever in Eskisehir Ataturk Stadium (they had already planned to move to a different venue for next season) the fans let out their frustration on the club's now-former stadium.

Specifically, they set it on fire. Here's the video:


They really do stadium demolition right in Turkey. Audience participation is the way to go.


We would honestly like to see Villa fans try to outdo their Turkish counterparts. Like, at least set Joleon Lescott's fancy car on fire. We're sure he has others. Just a thought. We would advocate setting Villa Park on fire, but the rest of the Premier League already did that.


Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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