Amazing Goals

His Parents Would Probably Be Really Mad That He Even Attempted This Crazy Trick Shot

Youtube user Footballskills98 has been in the trick shot game for quite some time. We at The18 first saw him and his pristine looking backyard in a trick shot video that was nothing if not creative. Then we saw him take the cross bar challenge to a whole new level.

Leicester City Was Dead Last. Now They Just Might Play In Europe.

Leicester City were supposed to go down last year. For 29 games, they simply weren’t Premier League quality. They only won 20 points from those 29 games, and of the 8 previous teams to do so before them, all 8 finished at the very bottom of the table. 

These Long Shots Will Remind You How Much Better The Pros Are Than the Rest Of Us

Nothing reminds you more of how you could never make it as a professional footballer than moseying on over to your local park and taking a few long shots. First, you’ll notice how incredibly inaccurate you are, and how incredibly frustrating it can be to get the ball to do what you want it to do: you mean to bend it far post and high but it goes near post and low; you go for power and just send it straight at the keeper’s chest. You try to chip it and, well, you most definitely do not succeed.

There Is A World Of Hardship, Obscurity And Blazing Passion Hidden In European Soccer

Millions of fans followed the starts of the Premier League and the Bundesliga, and millions more were excited for the season kick-off in Spain and Italy. Soccer season has started and fans are flocking to stadiums once more to see exciting, passionate, and thrilling games. But there is more to soccer than just the major professional leagues. With soccer probably being the most played sport in the world, it is no surprise that nearly every country, small or big, has their own league.
