

There will be no Internet after this. This is the end of the Internet. The internet has reached its peak, and there is nowhere left to go. It's over. Goodbye Internet.

This is what winning looks like. 

This Cat Is A Certified Shot-Stopper

You didn't think cats can play soccer? Cats can play soccer.

This cat would start for like 15 different teams in the Premier League right now.

Bambi's Mom May Have Just Scored The Goal Of The Year

We have some very exciting news on a hot prospect out of the United States who runs like the wind, has quick feet and shifty movement. That's because the hot prospect is a deer. A soccer deer.

No, this isn't a movie about a cute fury animal that thinks it's people excelling at a people sport, like Air Bud. Air Bud is fiction. This is real.

Kolo Toure Is Scared Of Koalas, Among Other Animals

One of the great benefits of preseason tours is players get to learn more about each other and bond before the season starts.

A fantastic, and sometimes hilarious, side-effect of this is the fans get to learn more about the players too, and sometimes we learn more than we ever though we would.

The hilarity of this side-effect was on display during Liverpool's tour of Australia, when defender Kolo Toure revealed he is afraid of animals.

Goat Disrupts A Game Because He Wants To Play Goalie

At The18, we have a thing for animals and soccer. So anytime the beautiful game and some type of creature collide, we’re all over it. This time we venture to the little island of Crete off the coast of Greece. 

Two local teams were playing a game of soccer when a random goat found his way onto the pitch. But this little billy goat wasn’t there just to watch the game. He wanted to play in it. 

Animals Playing Soccer. Just As Awesome As You Would Expect.

Soccer is the world's game. And it turns out this means it isn't exclusive to humans alone.

Below, we have found video of different animals that have shown passion for the beautiful game. Each of the animals obviously has their own expertise on the pitch, but which one would you want to have on your squad? 

1. The Net Minder

Watch Arsenal Striker Lukas Podolski Practice Headers With A Sea Lion

Previously, this writer would have summed up Lukas Podolski using only this picture:

One of these things is not like the others. (Photo: @Arsenal_Supremo | Twitter)
