
This Video Perfectly Breaks Down Luis Suarez's Diving Technique

Luis Suarez is famous for three things: scoring lots of goals, biting the occasional person and throwing himself to the ground in mock panic like air-raid sirens are going off.

He hasn't bitten anyone in a while, so the flopping has lately become the most scrutinized and ridiculed part of Suarez's existence in the soccer universe. You may have partaken in this yourself, but I bet you didn't know there is a method to Suarez's madness. Behind his seemingly-spontaneous dives is an intricate technique that many can learn but few can master. Suarez is a master.

10 Lionel Messi Secrets That Will Melt Your Face Off

Do you want in on some juicy Lionel Messi secrets? These secrets are so scandalous that they've got JUICY written across the back of their designer tracksuits. These skeletons in the closet, or should I say jerseys in the closet, are being exposed. I said I'm sorry Leo! I never meant to hurt you! I never meant to make you cry, but tonight, I'm cleaning out your closet! 

Gerard Pique Is Getting His MBA At Harvard Business School

Gerard Pique's season was cut short as a result of Barcelona's abbreviated run to the Champions League quarterfinals, but he's keeping himself busy.

Pique reportedly missed the UCL final to attend class at Harvard Business School, where he is studying toward his MBA. He's currently enrolled in The Business of Entertainment, Media, and Sports, a signature class of HBS' Executive Education Program.
