
Eden Hazard Has Won The PFA Player Of The Year Award

Eden Hazard has been voted by the Professional Footballers’ Association as the most outstanding player in the Premier League this year.

Chelsea Player Injures Himself Celebrating Win In Which He Did Not Play

Nemanja Matic just wanted to celebrate with the boys, and the soccer gods duly punished him for his insolence.

11 More Places The Chelsea Bus Driver Thinks He Can Fit His Bus, But Cannot.

Chelsea's bus driver failed to get though the entrance to the stadium before yesterday's Chelsea vs PSG match. So we got to thinking, where else couldn't he fit his bus?

Mourinho Chooses To Split The Points, So Chelsea Splits The Points

Most times, Jose Mourinho gets what he wants, and on Saturday he wanted to get a draw and get under Manuel Pellegini’s skin.

This Coach Is More Outrageous Than Mourinho Himself

Arrogant, successful, and stubborn, Jose Mourinho’s massive ego has caused him to say some outrageous things, but Rolland Courbis’ might just be bigger. We have the outrageous quote to prove it.

How Will Chelsea React To Lampard's Return To Stamford Bridge?

This weekend, as the top two teams in the Premier League meet, Frank Lampard is set to return to Stamford Bridge for the first time since joining Chelsea's title rivals Manchester City. Are they ready to welcome him back?
