Cristiano Ronaldo

What Is Going On In This Picture Cristiano Ronaldo Tweeted?

Cristiano Ronaldo has broken reality. Frankly we're surprised it took him this long. He has a history of sending out tweets of himself brooding in various odd places/positions while showing his muscles, but the man has outdone himself.

BREAKING: Cristiano Ronaldo Airport Bust Speaking, Questioning Validity Of Own Existence

The bust of Cristiano Ronaldo at the Cristiano Ronaldo International Airport in Madeira has miraculously gained consciousness, it’s first words being “I think you all should know that I’m feeling very depressed.”

“Do I have a mark on my face?” he then asked. “It really hurts. I can’t feel my body, so that doesn’t hurt very much, but my face does. Right here,” he said while scrunching the left side of his face. “Not here or here so much. Right here.”

Man Who Made Demented Cristiano Ronaldo Statue Compares Self To Jesus

Emanuel Santos, the man who made the ugly Cristiano Ronaldo bust currently on display at the Madeira airport, has responded to criticism of his ugly sculpture the same way you or I would, by comparing himself to Jesus.

Soccer Is The Best Form Of Art

Football has had its fair share of beautiful photography over the years, but what if there was a gallery of short, animated moments that illustrated the artfulness of the game? That’s where the Football In Motion Art Gallery comes into play. It’s a shitty name, but it’s one helluva art gallery. 

Cristiano Ronaldo Can't Catch A Break With Statues

Cristiano Ronaldo looks like he was forged out of steel, but when you try to use actual steel (or similar metal) to forge something that is supposed to look like Cristano Ronaldo, you end up with something that does not look like Cristiano Ronaldo at all.

You end up with this:

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Airport Renaming Ceremony Was A Horror Show

It’s been said that hands and the likeliness of an infant are two of the most difficult undertakings in the artistic world. For hands, it is a question of naturalness — even in reality, especially during photographs, we struggle to know what to do with our cursed hands. For the infant, it is the difficulty in portraying youthful exuberance. Wander through an art gallery and you’ll find many children whose faces look no different from their elders, it is only their size that differentiates them.
