
31-Year-Old Boy Wonder Wayne Rooney Returns To Childhood Club Everton

“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” -Joseph Campbell, The Hero’s Journey 

This Video Perfectly Captures Liverpool's Pursuit Of Virgil Van Dijk

Liverpool have not signed Virgil van Dijk. Yet. The Southampton defender's move to Liverpool seemed like a done deal at one point, and then, well . . . 

Black Vests Explained: The Amazing Tech Inside The Training Tools

With preseason underway across the Premier League, you're going to see a lot of photos of players training with their now accustomary black vests on. A few years ago, these garments were an absolute rarity, and, apart from some sophomoric comments about male players wearing sports bras (how dare you), it was generally assumed that they measured heart rate and yada yada yada.

Mike Ashley's Net Worth And Drinking Habits, Explained

Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley has an estimated net worth of £2.2 billion, making him the 54th-richest person in the United Kingdom, according to the Sunday Times rich list.

He also is a bit of a drinker, per the Guardian:

Psychedelic Goalkeeping Kit Designed To Alter Striker's Consciousness

“There are only three things that are certain in life,” says Wycombe Wanderers’ goalkeeping coach Barry Richardson, “death, taxes and goalkeepers conceding goals.”

It’s with this mentality that Richardson, who’s also listed as second-choice goalkeeper for the League Two side, went about designing a goalkeeper kit alongside kit providers O’Neills for the upcoming season.
