
PSA: Soccer And Power Lines Do Not Mix

What happens when you smash a clearance straight into some power lines? It’s a thought we’ve all had while playing on a rural pitch that has the conductors running along the sidelines. However, it’s a tantalizing question that few of us have ever acted upon — not even our resident scientist, who got his PhD in soccer science from Johnny Hopkins, knew the answer to this one.

Watch Trevor Noah Kick Joel Embiid’s Ass In FIFA 19

Trevor Noah and Joel Embiid were both born in Africa but make their livings in the U.S. Now they’re fighting it out to see who is the king of FIFA 19 in this stellar Trevor Noah vs Joel Embiid video.

Noah released the video on his YouTube channel on Friday as the two players duked it out in five matches. At the end, there was an undisputed champion: Noah.

Both Noah and Embiid are well-known soccer fans. 
