You’ll Cringe At These Soccer Clubs Joking About Having 280 Twitter Characters
Tuesday marked the beginning of a new era, with Twitter doubling the character count for most Western-language users. (Japanese, Korean and Chinese users will stay at 140 because their languages convey more per character.) There were countless bad jokes across the globe as everyone felt compelled to tweet about the fact they had something that everyone else had.
This Hungarian Player Is The Champion Of Entering Stadiums
(mandatory musical accompaniment to this post)
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get down to that soccer field in the silliest way imaginable. You must draw as much attention to yourself as possible. Be noticed by everyone. Make sure you do not do anything that a normal human would do. Do what a bored teenager would do in this situation. Avant garde stadium entering.
Good luck.
Soccerpocalypse: Breaking Grandma's Stuff
The Roller Coaster Ride That is Diego Simeone's Coaching
6 Awesome Things About This International Break
FIFA’s international breaks can be full of thrilling competition between the world’s best. This break will see some of the most intense matches outside of a major competition you’ll ever see in the UEFA and intercontinental playoffs to qualify for the 2018 World Cup.
This Howler In The Qatari League Cup Shows Why Patience Is A Virtue
Patience is a virtue. Good things come to those who wait. These are two pieces of generally-accepted wisdom that in most situations can improve peoples' lives.
However, these two pieces of wisdom are not always adhered to because I WANT THAT THING AND I WANT IT RIGHT NOW. NOW NOW NOW.
Usually, upon reflection, a person who ignores the wisdom of waiting in order to TRY AND GET A THING RIGHT NOW is proved to have been foolish, and that person wishes they had been patient. This goalkeeper in the Qatari League Cup is one of those people.
QUIZ: Which Soccer Player Are You When You’re Feeling Angry And Low?
18 Things In 18 Seconds: The Best Celebrations, The Worst Hair, And Robot Soccer knows you don't have time to waste when it comes to your soccer news. That's why we've created the fastest rundown in soccer. Greg Ellis takes you through 18 different soccer topics, and spends 18 seconds on each. This time he goes over the most iconic celebrations, the worst hairstyles, the best soccer movies, World Cup qualifiers, soccer robots and much more. If you liked this episode Watch Episode 2 of 18 Things in 18 Seconds.