Lionel Messi

10 Unique Set Pieces You're Gonna Want to Try This Season

These routines are high risk, high reward. You might get yelled at by your team, the other team or your coach. You might get a booking. They could just flat out not work and you look absolutely ridiculous. Alternate reality: you’re a mastermind and an innovator whose creative genius finessed the win for your team, on-lookers are in awe as they bear witness to the unexpected and its impeccable execution, the play lands on Sportscenter Top 10!

Here are a few routines to start practicing on the training ground.

Famous Footballers Who Are Living It Up This Father's Day

These footballers shoulder a lot of responsibility when they step out on the pitch for their clubs, but they have an even bigger responsibility when they return home. For Father's Day, we are celebrating some of the famous footballers who are also loving fathers. Take a look at some of these players hanging out with their adorable little ones. 

Thiago Messi And Benjamin Suarez Are Forming A Good Cop, Bad Cop Routine Like Their Fathers

It’s that time of year again, when football’s biggest stars trapeze around different Spainish isles, drop anchor off the coast of Ibiza and sleep on the streets of Tenerife. One of these days, The18 staff is going to invest in some large dolphin floaties and report live from the Mediterranean Sea while sipping on Skittles vodka, but today is not that day.

10 Lionel Messi Secrets That Will Melt Your Face Off

Do you want in on some juicy Lionel Messi secrets? These secrets are so scandalous that they've got JUICY written across the back of their designer tracksuits. These skeletons in the closet, or should I say jerseys in the closet, are being exposed. I said I'm sorry Leo! I never meant to hurt you! I never meant to make you cry, but tonight, I'm cleaning out your closet! 

It’s Doubtful Mateo Messi Will Be Old Enough Or Tall Enough To Enjoy The Messi Experience Park

Lionel Messi has recently unveiled his plans to personally and painstakingly design, build and operate his own theme park in Nanjing, China. It will be called the Messi Experience Park (MEP), which is infinitely lamer than Messi World, Magic Messi Kingdom or Messi's Wonderous Adventureland. With over 20 attractions on a sprawling 42,000 square meter space, the biggest question remains whether or not Mateo Messi will be old enough or tall enough to have any fun.

24 Crazy Before And After Photos Of Famous Footballers That'll Blow You Away

We know what position they play, the teams they’ve played for and every detail in between. But before their faces became famous and their jerseys sold out, they were just little kids with big dreams. Take a look at the adorable faces of your favorite players. 

Poetic Injustice: The Greatest Goals That Never Were

It doesn’t count on the scoresheet, but there’s something entirely satisfying about seeing an absolute crack smash off the woodwork. As humans, we like loud noises, and nothing makes us ooh and aah more than football’s own version of fireworks — the ball crashing into the crossbar from distance and flying into the heavens. 

Apart from that spectacle, great goals can be denied for a myriad of other reasons: sometimes it’s the referee, sometimes it’s a curmudgeonly defender or goalkeeper and sometimes it’s that idiot Nani.
