
Young Players Who Will Shine For Brazil At The Olympics

The Selecao will be hoping that the next Brazilian soccer star will emerge this summer. The Olympics are coming to Rio, and the Brazilian soccer team will be hoping to avoid the same traumatizing result as that of the 2014 World Cup. They'll also be looking for a bit of revenge after being the favorites in London in 2012, only to lose to Mexico in the final. 

18 Things You Can Do Instead Of Watching Manchester United

Manchester United loanee and soon-to-be-reject Nick Powell admitted that he forgot to watch his parent club's utterly pathetic 2-1 defeat to Midtjylland. According to Powell, he was too immersed in playing FIFA, and completely missed the match. 

The18 Goes In The Tank For Tokyo Sexwale

Tokyo Sexwale is not going to win the FIFA presidential election. This is the case for a variety of reasons, mostly because he's barely even campaigning and even his own continent has pledged its support for someone else.

But we would not be doing our civic duty as an esteemed media organization if we did not interrupt what we're sure would have been a very fine and productive day with our ill-informed and quite honestly pointless thoughts on the FIFA election.

This Former Barcelona Great Says Neymar Will Be The Next Barcelona Great

Ronaldo Lima played for Barcelona for one season, in 1996-97, but he knows a gifted striker when he sees one. The leading light of Brazil's most recent World Cup triumph (2002) has tapped his countryman, Neymar Jr, as the heir to Lionel Messi's throne at Barcelona.

Ronaldo told a the Brazilian media he thinks Neymar has what it takes to become Barcelona's talisman when the time comes for Messi to hang it up.

Flopping Is A Bigger Problem In The NBA Than In Soccer

To flop or not to flop, that is the question? Flopping in soccer has been part of the game for a long time, and it will continue to be as long as it can help gain an advantage. However, contrary to popular belief, the reality is that flopping is not unique to the sport of soccer. It is a part of many sports and I feel that soccer gets an unfair reputation for its flops, as I believe that the worst flopping occurs not in soccer, but in the NBA.  

Messi’s Greeting Of Paul Pogba Shows How All Winners Should Behave

Lionel Messi is a bit of an enigma. He has been painted as an anti-social genius, and as the quiet but friendly force that keeps the current Barcelona power trio of MSN in balance. It’s hard to know what to expect from him — is he abrasive or gregarious in his own quiet way? — and apparently this held true when Paul Pogba met Messi. 

Good Riddance, John Terry

John Terry is a dick.

This is not a particularly controversial opinion to have, more of an accepted notion that pretty much everyone on earth who is not a Chelsea supporter believes (and even the Chelsea supporters know this, deep down in the bowels of their consciousnesses.)

Why is John Terry a dick? To borrow a line from the United States Declaration of Independence, we hold this truth to be self-evident. I mean, just look at the guy.

Is Cristiano Ronaldo On The Decline?

Cristiano Ronaldo is pretty good at soccer. Let's not forget that. That being said, Cristiano Ronaldo's form this season has led people to whisper about a "decline" at Real Madrid, which we think is pretty ridiculous. So, we decided to take a closer look. 

See Why Barcelona Can Deliver The Best Soccer In The World Every Weekend

I was watching Barcelona vs Celta Vigo the other day when my roommate sat down next to me and eventually asked me the question, “who do you think is going to win the Champions League?”

After a couple seconds of thinking I said, “Barcelona.” Literally minutes later Barcelona scored this goal.

Alejandro Bedoya Is Killing It In France. Does He Deserve A USMNT Call Up?

Alejandro Bedoya deserves a call up for the USMNT when they take on Guatemala in World Cup Qualifying. Bedoya has become something of a hero of late for French Ligue 1 side Nantes. After not scoring for Nantes for nine months, the United States international has now scored four in six games. Some of those goals have been extremely important. 
