Roberto Firmino

In The Year Of The Blown 3-1 Lead, Borussia Dortmund Did It Best

The 3-1 lead has taken a beating this year. The Golden State Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA finals. The Oklahoma City Thunder and Los Angeles Clippers also blew 3-1 leads in the NBA playoffs. The Cleveland Inidians blew a 3-1 lead in the World Series.

In the "year in review" pieces declaring 2016 the year of the blown 3-1 lead, one notable choker has consistently been overlooked.

Borussia Dortmund.

Roberto Firmino Has The Whitest Teeth In The Premier League

Here is a video of Roberto Firmino's highlights so far this season:

Whoops! We have just been informed that this is in fact not Roberto Firmino's 2016 Liverpool highlight video. We apologize.

That video should be about Roberto Firmino, though, because Roberto Firmino's teeth are incredible.

Roberto Firmino's Release Clause Shows Just How Salty Liverpool Are At Arsenal

Roberto Firmino's Liverpool contract reveals a level of saltiness that's not been seen in these parts for quite some time.

What follows is my favorite paragraph of soccer journalism so far in 2016.

Via Goal:

Roberto Firmino And Liverpool Just Got The Ronaldinho Seal Of Approval

If you are a Liverpool fan, you should be pretty stoked right now. Your transfer window has gone from about as underwhelming as James Milner at Karaoke Night, to downright exciting, like James Milner at…well, it’s exciting. Just know that. 
