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Cristiano Ronaldo And Breaking Bad Star Aaron Paul Face-Off In A Tense Poker Duel

“I uh…I eat a lot of frozen stuff…It’s usually pretty bad, I mean the pictures are always so awesome, you know? It’s like ‘Hell yeah, I’m starved for this lasagna!’ and then you nuke it and the cheese gets all scabby on top and it’s like…it’s like you’re eating a scab…I mean, seriously, what’s that about? It’s like ‘Yo! What ever happened to truth in advertising?’ You know?” -Jesse Pinkman

This quote from Aaron Paul’s Breaking Bad character could effectively be applied to Paul’s own PokerStars Duel face-off against footballing superstar Cristiano Ronaldo. 

Billed as an “intense heads-up duel” where only one “will hold their nerve and emerge victorious”, the dark lighting and moody music do little to hide the fact that this is simply a game for charity between two poker amateurs — even if Cristiano Ronaldo is unable to turn off his competitive nature.


“Patience, that’s like the main thing. Don’t freak out, don’t panic,” is Paul’s philosophy when matched up against the “legend” that is Ronaldo.

Never missing a moment to advertise his Monster ROC headphones, Ronaldo shrugs, pouts and generally ignores his professional poker playing coach, Vanessa Selbst. 

And why not? He is, after all, Ronaldo. One does not simply beat Cristiano Ronaldo in anything. The only hand he’s defeated in, Ronaldo comments: “Let him win this time.” 

Ultimately, Ronaldo prevails with pocket jacks. 

“To win, it’s a big pleasure…I feel very good,” said Ronaldo. His poker face is better than that of an actors, begging the question, is there anything Ronaldo is not good at?

Follow me on Twitter: @ConmanFleming

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