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Keep Looking At Cristiano Ronaldo, Please

Cristiano Ronaldo, as we've previously covered, is one of the most looked-at humans in the world. It is our contention, though, that he is not looked at enough. With that in mind, won't you please take a moment and look at Cristiano Ronaldo?

It'll only take a moment, we promise. Unless you want to look at Cristiano Ronaldo for longer than a moment, which is fine and even encouraged.

Here he is, please look at him. He is asleep in a very awkward-looking position with his head in what appears to be a hedgerow. Also he's wearing, like, some kind of outrageous zip-up jacket paired with tighty-whities? We don't know. But this article isn't about a hedgerow, or tighty-whities, it's about looking at Cristiano Ronaldo, so please do that now.

There, that's all we wanted.

Thank you for looking at Cristiano Ronaldo.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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