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A Ballboy Refused To Do His Job And Caught A Ball To The Chops For His Trouble

Long story short: Belgium is lit.

Royal Antwerp and Tubize were playing in the Belgium Second Division on Sunday, and Antwerp were up 2-0. The ball went out for a goal kick. Tubize's goalie wanted the ball fast, but Antwerp's ballboy was either deliberately timewasting or being lazy.

So this happened:

Remember that time Eden Hazard kind-of, sort-of kicked a ballboy? This is like the best possible version of that situation. After the keeper gets the ball, it turns out he doesn't need it because someone else (presumably) threw one in front of his goal, so he just hucks it at the ballboy because he has nothing better to do with it.

Everybody wins, and by everybody I mean me. That was fun to watch.

(H/T FOX Soccer)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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