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The Fattest Man In The World Just Got A Little Moral Support From CR7

Cristiano Ronaldo has already been established as a giving person, and that perception was reestablished when he sent a signed Real Madrid Jersey to Andres Moreno. 

We should explain. Andres Moreno tips the scales at about 960 lbs., and is considered the most obese man in the world. He's not taken to kindly to that title, though, and is trying to lose weight.

Moreno recently underwent weight-loss surgery to kick-start that process, and received a surprise gift after the first procedure was successful: a signed Cristiano Ronaldo jersey.

As noted above, Ronaldo has a documented history of being a pretty good guy when it comes to this stuff, so his sending of the jersey doesn't exactly come as a surprise. But it is nice to see one of the best athletes in the world taking the time to appreciate the (metaphorical) little guy. Hopefully Andres Moreno can lose the weight, keep it off and live a better life, and hopefully Ronaldo keeps doing nice things for people.

Moreno told Milenio:

“I want to thank everyone, especially Ronaldo, for taking interest in my case. Sometimes you think that people like him live in another world, away from the people, but that is not the case; I feel as if I had gotten a Christmas gift before Christmas.”

Cristiano Ronaldo

Photo: @01RMadridista | Twitter

(H/T FOX Soccer)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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