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Jogi Low Keeps Rubbing His Hand In Places He Shouldn't Then Sniffing it

First there was this from Germany manager Jogi Low.

Then there was this.

And now there's another one.

Low has become one of the breakout internet stars of Euro 2016, but he probably wishes he hadn't. That's not a thing you want to be known for.

"Hey you're that guy."

"Yes, I'm Jogi Low, World Cup-winning manager of the German National Team."

"No, you're that guy who scratches himself in public!"

 "(muttering curse words in German)"

It is perfectly fine to rub your armpit then sniff your hand within the privacy of your own home as long as you wash up before you touch other people, but it's not the sort of thing you should be doing while millions of people around the world are watching you on television.

This really isn't new behavior from Low. Here's a video from the 2010 World Cup in South Africa:

Old habits die hard. Might want to work on this one, though. Or find a career where there aren't television cameras trained on you all the time.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him o Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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