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Manchester United vs. Bournemouth Was Called Off For The Stupidest Reason

On Sunday, Manchester United vs. Bournemouth had to be abandoned (it will be played Tuesday, May 17 at 1 p.m. MT) because of a suspicious device found at Old Trafford.

The suspicious device turned out to be left over from an exercise to train handlers of bomb-sniffing dogs. Apparently someone forgot to put the bomb back when they were finished.

Listen, there are just some organizations that we trust to be more responsible and organized than others, simply because of the stakes. Organizations that train bomb-sniffing dog handlers, for example.

Sure, we all know in the backs of our minds organizations with important functions like this are capable of massive brain-farty screw-ups but we take comfort in the belief that if these organizations can do something hugely complicated like train dogs and people to detect hidden bombs they can surely remember to collect all the fake bombs when the exercise is through.

We trust these people with our safety and they can't even remember the fake bomb sign-in process? Maybe they should quit the bomb training business and go into something safer like gardening.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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