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Norwegian WNT "Embraces" Stereotypes About Women's Soccer

Who doesn’t love a good mockumentary? The Norwegian national team just released one that will not only leave you laughing, but applauding. Unfortunately, there are still people out there who poke fun at the women’s game, despite the fact that the ladies game is typically played with more precise passing and greater inclusion of all 11 players. There is also the entire turf fiasco that has plauged this World Cup (don’t get us started). 

But luckily, the ladies from Norway have found a great way to handle some of the sexism that is somehow still surfaces around women sports. Goalkeeper Ingrid Hjelmseth, defender Trine Ronning, forward Emilie Haavi, and Cathrine Dekkerhus (who isn’t on the Norwiegen squad) all “embrace” the stereotypes that plague women’s soccer. Enjoy and laugh at the people who actually think women’s soccer is like this. Bravo ladies. 

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