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We Recast Game Of Thrones Using The World Of Soccer

This Sunday is the long awaited season premiere of HBO's hit drama Game of Thrones, the epic tale of one land's struggle for power.  The thing that makes the show so appealing is how different each character is in the cast, and all the hardships they endure in their lives at every turn due to man or woman's desire for the need to succeed.  The cast is full of great characters, some loved, some hated, but all unique in their own right, but when it comes to soccer who is who?

Jaime Lannister is Cristiano Ronaldo

Aka "The King Slayer", Jaime Lannister is a character you love and hate all at the same time.  He is good at everything, charming, extremely good looking, but his qualities may pull you in both directions. One minute you love him, the next you hate him.  In soccer Ronaldo is that guy, not because he is necessarily hated by anyone but because he's so good, and just seems to have it all, looks, fame, talent. You might hate him for being too perfect.  A unique blend of being part antagonist and protagonist all in one.  

Cersei Lannister is Hope Solo

In a show with so much betrayal it is hard to label one person as the hardest to like, but Cersei is that person on Game of Thrones, "The Queen of Mean".  The former Queen, and now mother to the King is one of the most controversial characters in the show.  We love to hate her for her cruelness, but we also are drawn to her for her strength.  Similarly Hope Solo is a polarizing figure in the women's game.  She is outspoken and brash sometimes.  You have those who love her, and some who are not fans because of her personalanity.  But her strength and skill keeps her going strong.   

Brienne of Tarth is Abby Wambach

Brienne of Tarth is one of the few likeable characters in the show because she is a good person.  She is loyal, has brute strength, and is so skilled she can beat anyone in battle.  Likewise Abby is that figure in the women's game.  She is physically dominant in competition, and is just one of those athletes and people we find ourselves rooting for over and over.  

Jon Snow is Chicarito

Jon Snow the character we love, the true protagonist of the show.  A man geniunely good through and through.  Skilled at war, but also a good moral man.  That is Chicarito, we love him, he has charm we are drawn to, we want him to do good, and we can't get enough of him.  And over and over, he doesn't disappoint us.  Let's just hope, you know, he doesn't die prematurely.

Jaqen H'ghar is Lionel Messi

The faceless assassin.  Currently the king in the Game of Thrones is a young boy, and the easiest comparison to Lionel Messi would just be to call him the king, but that doesn't do him justice when you consider this show's king is just a puppet doing his Mother's bidding.  Instead there is Jaqen H'ghar who is known as the faceless man, he is the most skilled assassin alive.  This is the best comparison for someone like Messi.  He is definitely not faceless, but he is the most skilled assassin on the pitch.  

Daenerys Targaryen is Alex Morgan

Daenerys is projected as the rightful owner of the throne.  She is strong, mentally and physically.  She is beautiful which may make you think she is soft, but don't underestimate her because she can be deadly too.  Alex Morgan is the best fit for that characterization in soccer.  At such a young age we were told this will be the next great female soccer player, and she really has lived up to the hype surrounding her.  She is gorgeous, and equally as deadly on the pitch.  

Tyrion Lannister is Benedict Vilakazi

Tryrion Lannister better known as the Imp.  He is the youngest child of the powerful Tywin Lannister, however he was born a "halfman" in he eyes of the show.  What he lacks in physical size he more than makes up for in charm, cleverness, and cunning skill.  Being a small man in an era where size and strength are how a man is measured makes his life challenging.  Likewise being one of the shortest players in the world of soccer where size and athleticism is important makes it very difficult for someone like Benedict to be successful, but his skill and clever footwork allow him to compete on the same level with his competition.  

So this Sunday whether you are watching the Game of Thrones or the battle on the pitch between rival teams, remember one thing: it's all a power struggle for world domination, one is the soccer world, the other a fictional world of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.  And never forget: Winter is Coming!

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