
The 5 Greatest Preseason Moments Ever On American Soil

The International Champions Cup begings today and with it comes an assault of hyperbole, a glut of sponsors and a legion of mercenary money-grubbers. It’s hell on earth as ESPN tells us that Miami’s El Clasico will be the biggest event in American soccer history, Heineken encourages you to consume a pony keg by way of IV drip and Manchester United plant their imperial flag in Sandy, Utah. 

How Cassius Dwyer Feels Watching the Gold Cup

If you are a fan of U.S. soccer or a frequenter of social media in general than there’s a good chance that Cassius Dwyer, the son of Sydney Leroux and Dom Dwyer, is one of your favorite little humans.

Though he’s only 10 months old, young Cassius has already shown he has quite personality. We feeling he's had some strong opinions while watching the U.S. men in the Gold Cup recently. After all, there’s nothing more pure than a baby’s reaction.

I Like Landon Donovan, But I Can’t Hear Landon Donovan

When the United States began their Gold Cup campaign last Saturday I was in a bar. I was there to watch this game, but somewhere around the 30th minute I started to drift. I was like a pass from the American midfield — serenely floating here and there without any purpose or sense of direction.

Dom Dwyer’s opening goal sent the bartender on a rambling ode to Sydney Leroux that lasted until tonight’s match against Nicaragua, a week-long sonnet on unrealized love. 

Landon Donovan's Son Is A Jacked Baby And Going To Be Good At Soccer

Landon Donovan posted a video of his son Talon scoring a goal in his backyard, and little Talon looks like he's on the fast track to the USMNT. His dad posted the caption, "He's going to kill me for this when he gets older. Oh well."

If Steve McNulty Was An American Athlete, Twitter Would Be Obsessed With Him

Twitter loves large adult sons: big goofy dudes who run around and make a ruckus with startling athleticism. What does this have to do with soccer? Well, soccer is rapidly growing in the United States, but it would be growing even faster if it had a large adult son to piggyback on.
