Other Leagues

Ellen Fokkema Makes History As First Dutch Woman To Play For A Men's Club

Ellen Fokkema found herself in an unfamiliar position when she came off the bench for Dutch side VV Foarut a few weekends ago. Not because she was the only woman on the pitch playing alongside 21 men, but because of the horde of cameras following her every move that September afternoon.

Fokkema has played for men's club VV Foarut since she was five, progressing all the way up to the club's U-19 side.

I’m Embarrassed For EA Sports Over Their Attempt At FIFA 22 Women’s Ratings; How Is Rapinoe Still This High?

Another year, another FIFA game where it’s obvious EA Sports paid no attention to women’s soccer. The FIFA 22 women's ratings are somehow even worse than last year, once again proving the WoSo portion of the franchise is merely lip service to try to appease women without actually putting in any effort.

Guns, Drones And UFOs: The Craziest Reasons Football Matches Have Been Postponed

Over the years, soccer matches have been temporarily suspended for a variety of bizarre reasons, whether it be canine pitch invasions, tennis ball protests or a pig head on the pitch, but it takes a heck of a lot for an event to end a match.

Frankenstein Field: The Ultimate Amalgamation Of U.S. Soccer Stadium Abnormalities

One of the biggest struggles in American soccer, both at the amateur and the professional level, is the lack of quality, soccer-specific fields. 

The only options are sharing a field with every other notable mid-level sports team in the city or playing on a forsaken piece of grass with significant wear and minimal seating.

And yet we wonder why we struggle to produce high-quality soccer players.

Japan Set To Kick Off Women Empowerment League — Japan’s First Professional Women’s League

Women’s soccer in Japan will have a historic moment on Sunday when the first ever professional league kicks off its inaugural season. The Japan Football Association has introduced the Women Empowerment League, also known as the WE League. Sunday will see ten of the eleven clubs in the league play.

NCAA Soccer Takes Over SportsCenter Top 10 With Two Stunning Goals

After a 2020 season that was hugely disrupted by COVID-19, resulting in both the men’s and women’s College Cup finals being played back on May 17, the 2021 NCAA Division I soccer season marks a return to normalcy as we’re now almost two weeks into the fall campaign. 

It’s early doors but we’ve already seen some spectacular play around the country, so much so that SportsCenter’s Top 10 has already featured a couple stunning goals. 

Former USMNT World Cup Striker Without A Club At 30 — What’s Next?

Aron Jóhannsson has endured a difficult few years following a move to Bundesliga side Werder Bremen that did not work out as the striker would have hoped. 

Árbitro Se Tropezó Con Jugador Que Ataba Sus Cordones Y Terminó Con Un Codo Dislocado

Seguramente has visto decenas de dolorosísimas lesiones alrededor del fútbol: luxaciones de hombros, torceduras de tobillo, roturas de tibias y peronés y hasta pies que quedan mirando para el otro lado. Es parte del juego y los futbolistas lo saben.

Lo que es raro es que una de esas terribles lesiones le ocurran a un árbitro. No es que los referí estén libres de desgracias físicas, pero entre ellos es más común alguna contractura, un desgarro o cualquier otra dolencia que no alcanza para ser viral en estos días y en esta era.

Referee Fails To Play Advantage And Collapses To Knees In Regret

A Danish referee made an honest but huge mistake during a second-tier league game on Saturday when he didn’t play advantage for a great goal-scoring opportunity.

In the 29th minute between Vendsyssel FF and FC Fredericia, the referee spotted a foul as Fredericia was building an attack. It looked like Fredericia had lost possession, so the man in the center put his whistle to his lips.

Right before he blew the whistle, the Vendsyssel defender gave away possession and Fredericia was in on goal. Then came the sound of the whistle.

Árbitro Que Necesita Ir Al Oftalmólogo Valida Gol De Un Jugador Que Estaba 3,1 Metros Adelantado

No es fácil ser árbitro asistente y determinar un fuera de juego. El ojo es un órgano magnífico, pero muchas veces la diferencia para anular una jugada o no es milimétrica, causando uno que otro error.

Sin embargo, validar un gol de un jugador que estaba 3,1 metros adelantado es absolutamente escandaloso.

¡3,1 metros!

Gol tres metros adelantado

La situación ocurrió en un partido de la Primera B del fútbol chileno (segunda categoría local), entre Magallanes y Unión San Felipe, válido por la jornada 15 de la competencia.
