Premier League

12 Little-Known Football Facts For The 12 Days of Christmas

It’s Christmas Eve, and by now each and every one of you will be knee-deep in the “festive period”: your credit cards will be maxed out, the onset of gout is just around the corner, and your liver is the complexion and consistency of a duck pate that’s been sat in the sun too long.

Martin Skrtel Knows No Fear

Head injuries are nothing to be trifled with. With all of the new information that has arisen concerning concussions and their long term effects, watching a player get knocked unconscious, or suffer any sort of trauma to the head, can be a very troubling experience. 

So when the camera showed Liverpool’s Martin Skrtel on the ground on Sunday, blood pouring from his head, it was hard not to fear the worst. Replay did not help.

Christmas Carolers Sing EPL Chants

BT Sport put together a video of Christmas carolers bothering the populace with EPL chants.

Christmas Jokes So Bad They Are Hilarious, As Told By Everton Players

What do they sing at a snowman’s birthday party? F-reeze a jolly good fellow! 

This is just one of the horrendous, yet funny jokes that the Everton football club told one another for the Christmas video below. One person who clearly was having a good time was Romelu Lukaku. The Belgian was cracking up for majority of the video, even if he didn’t understand the jokes, while teammate Ross Barkely pretty much hated being there the whole time. We’ll give Ross a pass considering he scored this screamer recently.

Arsene Wenger Gambled On The Fitness Of His Defenders This Summer. And It Backfired.

In this week's Premier League review, we examine Arsene Wenger's transfer market prowess, Brendan Rodger's latest cheery outlook and more.

Arsene Wenger’s Transfer Failings Are Costing Arsenal Dearly

With about five minutes of Sunday’s clash between Liverpool and Arsenal remaining, The18 started typing words such as “robust,” “hard-working,” “resolute” and “winning ugly”. Then Arsenal did what Arsenal invariably do: concede a late goal from a set-piece.

Two Children Kicked Out Of Stadium For Celebrating A Goal

We understand that soccer is a game of passion. Fans are prone to celebrating every goal as if it were the best they’ve ever seen - and to mourning every loss as if it were a harbinger of death. With such a wide range of emotions, disagreements and fights are bound to happen. 

In preventing such brawls from occurring, it has to be said that soccer stadiums around the world are following the right protocol: keep the home and away fans seperate. It’s simple and effective. 

Should He Stay Or Should He Go? The Case For And Against Brendan Rodgers.

After a lethargic showing against arch-rival Manchester United last weekend, Brendan Rodgers’s Liverpool squad rebounded on Wednesday with a 3-1 victory over mighty Bournemouth in the quarterfinals of the Capital One Cup. Though Bournemouth currently are in first place in the Championship, the victory has done nothing to quiet the growing chorus of Scousers that want Rodgers sacked. Is this really fair given how close Liverpool came to winning the league last year?

Is A Goalkeeper On Liverpool’s Christmas Wish List?

With an horrifically busy schedule of three hours training a day, and just six shopping days to go until Christmas, professional footballers’ personal assistants are, as we speak, desperately loading up Maybachs with designer velour tracksuits, Jeroboams of Cristal and any other tat expensive enough to justify the effort. So without further ado, welcome to the Game Day 17 Premier League preview.

Will Liverpool Waste Yet More Money On A Goalkeeper This Winter?

“We play with 11 men, other teams play with 10 men and a goalkeeper.” – Brendan Rodgers.

Tyne-Wear: Experience One Of The Fiercest Derbies In The World

On Monday, Newcastle United supporters had a big week ahead of them. On Wednesday they would face off against Premier League foe Tottenham for a spot in the semifinals of the Capital One Cup, and four days later they would take on rival Sunderland in what is one of the most intense rivalries in the Prem. 

14 Great Thierry Henry Moments

Thierry Henry retired yesterday, and we put together the top moments of his career.
