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Where was she going? American goalkeeper brings the blunder of the week in Liga MX Femenil

American goalkeeper Kayla Thompson is not having a great season in Liga MX Femenil. The Brown University alumni had a rough debut between the sticks a few weeks ago when Pachuca destroyed Toluca 10-2. And now she is again up for a viral ride online after starring in an incomprehensible blunder vs. Atlas. 

Kayla Thompson fail in Liga MX Femenil

With the game tied 1-1, Atlas served a free kick from midfield that didn't seem to bring danger for Toluca. The ball was floating far from the goal and was destined to die without glory.

But then, Atlas midfielder Valeria Razo touched the ball with the toe tip and brought no more than pain for Thomspon. Even though Razo's tap was weak, it ended up being devastating for the American goalie, who, for some inexplicable reason, had left the goal in an effort to who knows what. 

I mean, we would not be talking about this if she had stayed in place, right?


Thompson's error didn't come cheap, either: Toluca ended up losing the game 4-3.

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