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Tecatito Corona Scored A Golazo For Porto

Many El Tri fans consider Jesus "Tecatito" Corona to be one of Mexico's brightest young players. The winger, who plays for Porto in Portugal's Premeira Liga, gave Mexico fans good cause for their optimism Wednesday when he scored a pretty awesome goal in a cup game.

But now, the debate begins: did he mean to do it? Was that goal a real shot, and therefore clearly a golazo, or was it a cross that happened to find its way to the back of the net.

And here's a question: does it even matter?

We're inclined to say no, it does not matter, and enjoy Tecatito's goal as a nice goal, in a vaccuum, without worrying about whether he meant to score it in the first place. It counts for the same amount on the scoreboard, and that's really all that matters, right?

Tecatito, along with Jurgen Damm, is considered a big building block for El Tri, and possibly El Tri's main offensive catalyst for the future. He should get more time under new coach Juan Carlos Osorio than he did under Miguel Herrera, because Herrera's preferred 5-3-2 formation didn't have much use for offensive-minded wingers, which means talents like Corona, Jurgen Damm and Marco Fabian were often excluded from the team.

Tecatito also got an assist in the game. Porto's other two El Tri players, Hector Herrera and Miguel Layun, also played well in the game, with Layun assisting Herrera for a goal.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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