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This Fan's All-Time Dutch XI Tattoo Is Problematic

This is just disgusting.

I am deeply disturbed by this, and I'll tell you why: this man wth the tattoo got his tactics all wrong.

Look, I know the Dutch are famous for Total Football, but this is getting out of hand. It appears to be a 4-2-2-2 (a.k.a. the "Brazilian Box") or a 2-2-2-2-2, which is just weird. Arjen Robben as a deep-lying midfielder? This lineup is not balanced at all. It has too many attacking players. Matches are won in the midfield, people!

A better option with this personnel might be the 4-1-4-1 with Rikjaard as the holding midfielder and, say, van Basten leading the line. Or, and I know this will sound too British for the free-flowing Dutch, they could play a diamond 4-4-2 with Rikjaard again as the holder, Robben shuttling on the right and Gullit on the left, Cruyff in the hole and Bergkamp and van Basten leading the line.

The defense is mostly fine. I would switch Staam to the right flank and Koeman to the middle if I'm staying with four in the back, but that's just me. If you wanted to get really creative you could try a back three. All these players are pretty versatile. A 3-4-3 with Stam, de Boer and Krol in the back, Koeman and Rikjaard as the central midfielders, Robben and Gullit out wide, Bergkamp and Cruyff as the wide forwards and van Basten as the striker? Now we're talking.

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