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Ragnar Klavan Is Either A Meme Or The Best Player In The Galaxy

What's that, in the distance? The wind has shifted. Something smells different. There's a barely perceptible hum in the air. Yes, just barely perceptible, but it's there, no doubt about it. We can feel it in our bones. Something is on the horizon, something big. Something beyond our wildest imaginations.

It's quiet. Too quiet. The birds have stopped chirping. The bees have stopped buzzing. The frogs have stopped croaking. Heck, even the brooks and the creeks have stopped babbling and gurgling. All sound has fled. All life has fled, even the leaves have left the trees. There's something big. Something has scared off the birds and the bees and the frogs and the leaves. Gird your loins.


Man. Myth. Meme.

Ragnar Klavan has clearly moved into the Kolo Toure/Lucas Leiva "aging Liverpool defender who can't really move but everyone likes anyway for reasons that have nothing to do with quality of play" zone.

There is a rumble in the distance. It is growing louder. The Ragnarok has begun. No one knows what will happen or when it will end. All we can do is sit back and enjoy the ride.

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