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This 90-Year-Old Grandma Has Better Touch Than You

Do not watch this video if you have self-esteem issues and consider yourself pretty good at keepy-uppy. For the majority of us, this grandma keepy-uppy video is enough for us to sink down in a dark hole of despair.

We practiced a lot when we were younger. We practiced keepy-uppy all the time. It's the most basic soccer drill, and perhaps the one that has the most noticeable effect on whether our touch is good or not.

We see this video, and we feel a range of emotions. 

First, we are happy for the Grandma. Good for her, to be 90 years old and playing keepy-uppy. Most people don't even live that long, much less stay coordinated enough to juggle a soccer ball. 

Second, we are depressed. We will probably die before we are 90, and, even if we do make it that long, it is all but a guarantee our keepy-uppy faculties will long have left us.

Third, we are sorry for ourselves. We would like to think we have a pretty good handle on this keepy-uppy business, but then we see this video and we see a 90-year-old grandma doing the thing that we are proud of and we are sad.

So many emotions. All the feels, as the kids say. 

Let us remain happy fo this lady, for when she goes to the great soccer pitch in the sky, she will be greeted by the legends, and renowned as the lady who could play keepy-uppy at age 90. She will smile and wink, and keep her secret her own. For the legends must keep their secrets secret, lest they become real.

(H/T FOX Soccer)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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