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Argentinian Striker Pepper-Sprayed By Police On Field, Is Having A Bad Day

This is a remarkable video. We're not sure what took place beforehand for striker Javier Villaseca of Argentinian club San Martin de Mendoza to be stripped pf his shirt and in an exceedingly ornery mood (we would guess, because the riot police are on the field, that it was some kind of riot), but we are sure that when you are in an exceedingly ornery mood you shouldn't go running wildly at police officers.

One major trait of riot police officers is they carry things that can hurt you: billy clubs, stun-guns, pepper spray, etc. Villaseca failed to take this into consideration, though, and what happened next surely made him wish he had.

Ooh, in the face! IN THE FACE!

Seriously, what was he going to do once he got to the police? Punch one in the shield? I don't think he thought this through very well, although it's clear from the video that he's in no condition to be thinking rationally about cause and effect outcomes at this point. Instead, he's trying to ride the lightning. 

And, as usual when someon tries to ride the lightning, he got burned.

If Villaseca has trouble with accuracy in the next few days, we'll know why.

(H/T CBS Sports)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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