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A Back Heel Chip Goal Is Possible, It Just Might Be The Goal Of The Year

The candidates for this year’s Puskas Award for the goal of the year have wasted no time in making their presence known, and even less time in blowing our minds. 

Tell me, what first comes to your head when I say, “Back heel chipped goal?”

Personally, I think of a forward facing away from goal who somehow manages to use his heel like a sand wedge and pop the ball over the keeper. This image looks very painful, and leaves me fairly certain that you would have to break your heel in the process of scoring such a goal in order to, you know, actually score it. 

Cristiano Ronaldo is shown back heeling the ball.

Not even Ronaldo should be able to make this ball go 15 feet into the air. Photo: ronaldo7

It turns out there is a way to chip the keeper with a back heel without destroying your body. No one truly knows when the technique was first discovered, but I like to think legend has it it was initially discovered by Juan Agudelo. Yes, that Juan Agudelo.

See, World? Americans can do cool goals, too.

This year’s version is honestly even better that Agudelo’s. I was not exaggerating at all when I said that it is a candidate for goal of the year. Watch as Inter and Croatia’s Mateo Kovacic lets creativity get the best of him, in the best possibly way. 

What do you think of that, Abromovich?

Yeah, I think that perfectly sums it all up. 

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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