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Cristiano Ronaldo Won The Hearts Of Thousands Of Fans With One Sweet Move

As hard as it might be to believe, it can be very easy to forget how charming Cristiano Ronaldo is. We read about his ex-girlfriend telling the world he made her feel insecure, or about how he had a birthday party after losing 4-0 in one of the year’s biggest matches. We hear about how arrogant he is, and how he represents so much of what people don’t like about athletes. We hear about all of this, and then we watch a clip like the one below and remember that, oh yeah, Ronaldo is still probably one of the coolest people alive. 

That took place during a practice before one of Real Madrid’s preseason games in China. And yes, incase if you were wondering, the Chinese are in love with Ronaldo and Real Madrid just as much as any other country in the world.

You can hear hundreds, maybe even thousands of fans in the background of the video chanting “Cristiano!” and Ronaldo definitely heard them, too. That is why he pulled off this little stunt in the first place. 

We can’t actually see the crowd, so aside from cheering enthusiastically after Ronaldo performs the coolest wave-hello ever, we can’t be completely sure how the crowd reacted. 

Oh, who are we kidding? He probably made half that stadium fall in love with him in that very instant. He’s Cristiano Ronaldo, it’s what he does…when he’s not making everyone hate him. 

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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