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Ronaldo’s New Best Friend Isn’t Just Intimidating. He Might Kill You

Super heavyweight kick boxer Badr Hari is no one to f*** with, unless you are Cristiano Ronaldo. Hari and Ronaldo have known each other for quite some time now if this photo on Hari’s Instagram from 50 weeks ago is anything to go by. A friendship has apparently blossomed in the intervening time. Hari’s Instagram has many pictures of him being Cristiano Ronaldo’s friend: hanging out, eating, and doing bro things. Ronaldo, for his part, has been flying back and forth from Madrid to hang out with Hari. 

But don’t let the fun-loving fool you, Badr Hari is one of the most violent, intimidating people in the world. The 6’6” fighting machine has said as much himself

"I am able to explode at any moment."

"When my brakes are off," he said. "It's just one big clump of explosion, chaos and noise, and I become blind to it all... A storm, a hurricane, a disaster.

"There just is a certain aggression inside of me, of which I don't know what to do with nor where it comes from."

A district attorney in 2011 characterized Hari as a man who is vulgar, aggressive, and intimidating. A man who has an unmistakable air that simultaneously challenges those around him while asks them the question, “Do you know who I am?”

His criminal record speaks to that. As a professional kick boxer, his fists and feet are lethal weapons, and his short temper has led to those weapons being used repeatedly against those who have no chance of coping with them. He has assaulted the bouncer of a club, severely injured a pedestrian in a car accident, assaulted an ex-girlfriend, an ex-girlfriend’s stepbrother, the owner of a club and its guest, and a Dutch millionaire. As said before, you don’t want to f*** with Hari. 

Unsurprisingly, this reputation has its advantages. For instance, when he and Ronaldo left an establishment and walked out onto the streets of Marrakech in Morocco, Hari addressed the crowd waiting for them. He told the crowd to treat Ronaldo well, or else.

Ronaldo was treated well.

What a guy to have around. When someone with his reputation tells you to cheer, you cheer. When he tells you that he will hit you if you misbehave, you step in line and mind yourself like a nervous recruit on the first day of basic training. He has an incredibly strong personality, for better and for worse.

Perhaps you need to have such a strong personality in order to be Cristiano Ronaldo’s friend. Ronaldo is nothing if not determined, and he absolutely hates to use. Whatever shortcomings or insecurities he may have, those two qualities define him most, and they don’t leave room for weakness. Clearly, Hari can hang. 

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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