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Oh Cool. The18 Got A New Website

Hi there.

If you're reading this, and you've read The18 in the past, you've probably noticed the website looks different. (If not, look around! Pretty cool, right?)

It looks different because we (and by "we" I mean upper management, not me) decided the old version of the website was not cutting the mustard. So we (and by "we" I now mean our web developers, not me) built a new version.

The editorial department is still snarking around in here and you'll still be able to, like, read words and stuff. But now you can do a lot of other things too! Here are some of the changes we made:

It's Faster

We want you to get places faster online and we want to get places faster online so we made our website faster.

Like, Way Faster

It's like going from a horse-drawn carriage to a super-fast sports car. One of these things just can't compete. And there's less poop.

Big Cool Photos

Do you like to look at stuff? If so, our new website is the soccer website for you.

News Divided Into Actual Sections

We realize some of you may not want to read every single thing in the news about soccer. Maybe you only want to read about the USA, or Mexico or Europe. Now you can. You could do it before, but it's way easier now. Go on, try it.

A New Entertainment Section

Are you not entertained? Well, come to our new entertainment section and be entertained.

More Videos!

Do you think my writing is trash? You're not alone! And now, we have a whole video section, complete with video posts that put the video at the top of the article so you don't have to read my trash words if you don't want to.

A Topics Section

Maybe you don't really like soccer, you just like cute animal videos or news about soccer celebrities. There's a place for you here. We have a section for those things (as they pertain to soccer) too.


Mostly nonsense, but try them out. They're quite fun.


From time to time we want y'all's opinions on something and now there's a good place for you to give us those opinions on, say, the Messi vs. Ronaldo debate.

(Sees angry mob forming outside office.)

OK maybe not that. Something else.

Player Pages

Do you have a soccer player that you like? Cool! Our new website collects all the information and stories about your favorite players (at least, a growing number of them) and puts it all in one place so you don't have to go anywhere else or do anything else.

Thanks to the creative team that worked on this site, and the true heroes: you, the readers.

And the web developers. Thank a web developer today.

(Oh, and if you want to read the official announcement of our new website written for the business-y folks, here you go.)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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