
Paul Pogba Is Partying Across America With His Girlfriend In A Pink Rolls-Royce

Paul Pogba has landed in America, and, like Jack Kerouac before him, he’s traveling across the continent — taking to the road in a pink Rolls-Royce with his clique struggling to keep up.

If you see a pink Rolls-Royce come steaming into your town, don’t worry, that’s just “Pogboom” and his band of Merry Pranksters.

Pogba began his great American odyssey earlier this week in Los Angeles, attending the 2016 ESPY Awards at the Microsoft Theater.

Pogba was not nominated for any awards, although Cristiano Ronaldo won the award for Best International Athlete.

This Harry Kane Free-Kick Compilation Will Make England Fans Very Angry

England were unceremoniously dumped out of Euro 2016 by a plucky, vastly underrated Iceland side, and now everyone in England is mad. They are mostly mad at Raheem Sterling (for no real good reason), but they are also mad at Harry Kane.

They are so mad someone made this very funny video of Harry Kane, who is a legitimately nice dude and doesn't deserve this, kicking set pieces in every direction except toward the goal.

Why Do Soccer Players Dive?

Every week, The18 takes the world's most frequently asked soccer questions and attempts to answer them. That way, when that clone of yours turns evil and tries to convince everyone that you're the evil one, your football knowledge will allow your friend to put a slug in his head, not yours. You know. Like in Star Trek. Or The Island. Man, Hollywood has used that plot device a lot. Anyways, this week: Why do soccer players dive? 

Hechos sorprendentes sobre los futbolistas antes de ser famosos

Antes de que jugaran frente a miles de fanáticos que los adoraran, antes de que se ganaran los contratos multimillonarios y los patrocinios, los futbolistas famosos del mundo eran adolescentes torpes como cualquier otro en esa etapa de la vida.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Neymar, Zlatan Ibrahimovic y David Beckham son famosos por sus habilidades en el campo. A pesar de que nos gusta profundizar en lo que les hizo grandes futbolistas, sus embarazosos años de pubertad siguieron siendo en gran parte un misterio.

The Commentary On Iceland's Winning Goal Against Austria Will Melt Your Face Off

Iceland are the toast of Euro 2016. They made it out of the group stage undefeated (only the third team to do that in their Euro debut) and beat Austria, a team that features one of the best young players in the world, Bayern Munich's David Alaba.

Iceland will face England on Monday to go to the quarterfinals, a match that Roy Hodgson's men will be heavily favored in by people who aren't fans of either team.

Adidas Mixed Up "Colombia" and "Columbia" Because Derp

Adidas is one of many brands trying to muscle in on the attention the Copa America Centenario has brought to soccer in the USA. This is a good idea on its face, the only problem is they are not doing a very good job of it.

There is a persistent rumor that Adidas is an acronym for "All day I dream about sports." There is also a less-appropriate version that substututes "sports" for . . . well you get the idea. It doesn't matter anyway, because we alone know what Adidas actually stands for: All Day I Derp About Spelling.

Look what they did with "Colombia" and "Columbia."

He Failed As A Manager, So This Legend Scored A Hat Trick And Got Fired The Next Day

I’ve got to imagine that being a retired legend is a frustrating thing. As soon as you leave the game people probably think you are washed up. Your legacy immediately starts to diminish. People forget just how great you were, and it has got to be incredibly tempting to come back to the game just to shut all those idiots up. That’s what I am imagining was going through Clarence Seedorf’s head when he lit up a charity match with a hat trick bad in 2014.

Barcelona Have Identified Why They Lost In The Champions League And Corrected The Problem

Barcelona did not win the Champions League this season. Barcelona should have won the Champions League this season. 

No disrespect to Atletico Madrid, who deservedly bounced Barca in the quarterfinals, but the Blaugrana's attack was led by three of the five best forwards in the world, and every player in their squad (excluding goalkeeper) is either top five in the word at his position or at least in the conversation.
